I wonder how many people who have been prosecuted for breaking Covid-19 regulations were invited by the police to fill in a questionnaire?

Has anyone seen the questionnaire sent to Downing Street staff?

What does it ask? Would you like to ‘fess up to boozy parties and be fined?

Where’s the ‘to and fro’ of any investigative questioning?

Or is this ‘questionnaire’ simply a piece of Metropolitan Police theatre dreamt up by a police force led by a commissioner who has always appeared very reticent about challenging and holding to account certain sections of society?

In future, when I am pulled over by the police for a minor traffic transgression, I will simply ask them to send me a questionnaire, with a week's grace so I can dream up an imaginative excuse.

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to editor@iwcp.co.uk