Having experienced first hand the deception from government agencies and others regarding my own poisoning by organophosphates a contact in the USA sent details of her poisoning by Glyphosate stating that it had been used as an insecticide indoors.

I tested this claim and was surprised to find the chemical killed insects faster than samples of organophosphorus insecticide.

I notified the government of my findings in 1997 and surprisingly regulators sent evidence that the chemical damaged the vital mitochondria in animal cells at all levels tested.

I sent that evidence and details of the known links to cancer in humans to the German regulators, who asked me to re-send the information as the cancer section had mysteriously disappeared in the post.

That was in 1999 and German scientists confirmed the insecticidal property of the herbicide, which is itself an organophosphorus compound.

Read more:Weedkiller chemical to be reintroduced to 'keep roads safe'.

An immediate ban on the use of the chemical was demanded.

However instead of banning the systemic chemical the regulators increased the allowable residues in food three-fold.

Its increasing use on GM crops and as a pre-harvest desiccant used to dry or kill various plants raises residue levels.

Governments protect the chemicals, despite the known harm caused to human health and the environment.

Read more: Petition launched against weedkiller coming back

Read more: It's in the contract says Isle of Wight Council, as it brings back chemical weedkiller.

Court cases in the USA have proven that the manufacturers withheld vital evidence of harm.

Regulations changed, prohibiting the use of the chemical on impervious surfaces such and roads and pavements to prevent chemical run-off into streams and rivers but that regulation is widely ignored.

Island Roads took the right decision in stopping Glyphosate use but has bowed to minority pressure.

Councils controlled weeds on this Garden Isle without Glyphosate until the 1970s.

Is protecting human health and our environment really important to the authorities?

It seems not.

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to editor@iwcp.co.uk