Having read the court case in which the judge deemed ADHD as an “excuse”, I'm saddened but not shocked to learn that yet again the most well-researched neurological disorder in the world has been dismissed based on personal belief.

This time however, by a person in authority.

Around two per cent of the UK's population have ADHD and yet 45 per cent of those in the youth offending systems have it.

This is probably why the judge meets so many with ADHD, but he has not put two and two together, unfortunately.

A person with ADHD is likely to have delayed maturity due to the stunted growth of the prefrontal cortex (decision-making part of the brain) that can last into their late twenties.

Adults with ADHD often suffer with mental health problems later in life, such as depression and addiction due to the trouble they get into and the alienation they face in school and adulthood, because of their impulsive and risk-taking behaviour.

There are so few resources on the Island allocated for children and adults with ADHD that Islanders receive their assessments from an outsourced healthcare provider on the mainland.

Perhaps if we took ADHD as seriously as other neurological disorders and helped those whose lives it has damaged, we would see fewer ending up in the criminal justice system.

I hope the defendant Scott manages to find help from what little resources there are and I strongly encourage him, and anyone else struggling with ADHD symptoms, to contact the Arthur Webster Clinic on the Island for advice.

For judge Malcolm Gibney to describe a mitigating circumstance like this as an “excuse” is negligent at best.

I'd urge him to do a little research, since this won’t be the last adult struggling with ADHD who he meets in court.

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to editor@iwcp.co.uk