CHILDREN at Nettlestone Primary School are enjoying brand new playground markings, thanks to a volunteering project by Island Roads.

Miniature road markings including a pedestrian crossing and roundabout have been added to the pre-school area, along with a large caterpillar and circle design.

For older children, a 100-square grid was marked out and the school’s basketball court was refreshed with new line markings.

Supported by lining partners WJ South West Group, Island Roads lining supervisor Spencer Jarman created a series of fun playground designs to stimulate imaginative play and support sports activities.

Su Bradford, pre-school lead at Nettlestone Primary School, said: “I approached Island Roads for help after the school took part in Road Safety Week.

"The children were so enthused by what they learned I thought it would be good to have some permanent road markings in the playground to help reinforce the road safety message."

Isle of Wight County Press:

"I was thrilled when Island Roads agreed to help and we are all very grateful to Spencer and his team," said Su.

The work was carried out as part of Island Roads’ volunteering scheme in which staff are encouraged to take two days paid leave each year in order to support community projects.

Spencer Jarman added: “We really enjoy being able to use our lining skills to support projects in our community and are really pleased that the new markings are helping the children to continue learning about road safety, whilst having lots of fun.”