A MERGER of Cowes Voluntary Community Group and Cowes Heritage has been heralded as a bright new direction for the town's Beckford Centre.

The new charity draws its trustees from both organisations.

It has a new logo, while a new website is under development.

Jon Matthews, chairman of the new Cowes Heritage and Community Group, said: “Two respected organisations can look forward to a sustainable future and Cowes Heritage will have a permanent presence in the heart of the town, where it should be.

"While the Beckford Centre has been used by a steady stream of enthusiasts, it has not been utilised to its full potential.

"This merger ticks all the boxes and elevates Cowes Heritage to charitable status as the new group becomes a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.”

A new extension at the rear of the Beckford Centre is being built to accommodate the archives of Cowes Heritage.

Isle of Wight County Press: The Beckford Centre in Cowes

With a significant contribution from Cowes Town Council, work starts in mid-March.

Cowes Heritage chairman, George Chastney, added: “We want to play our part in making this centre even more popular for those in the local community with specific interests.

"The work of Cowes Heritage can only become better known and appreciated in such a permanent town centre location, a situation already enjoyed by heritage organisations in other Island towns.”