LOCAL charity Sight for Wight has placed its latest QR code outside Newport Police Station to assist visually-impaired (VI) people.

This follows codes previously being placed at the Hovertravel terminals in Ryde and Southsea.

The charity now aims to get its ‘Hello Everyone’ QR system onto every building on the Island to assist anyone entering with the layout and where to find a human being.

It also intends to add these to food labels, allowing all letters and menus to be audible.

Lisa Hollyhead, chief executive of Sight for Wight, said: “As someone born with 88 per cent sight loss, I have found the huge number of physical Covid secure changes made in, what were, very familiar surroundings, difficult to judge.

"I knew voice was the way to help resolve this, but how to turn a poster into voice was the challenge.

“Our QR codes provide audible guidance giving a basic layout, where to go and what to avoid in any building or environment."

In the case of Hovertravel, the audio file describes both terminals, the craft environment and the Covid-secure measures in detail.

The audio file for the Newport Police Station QR code informs the listener of the opening hours for the front counter, how to contact police outside of these hours, and the layout of the building to assist with navigation.

Sight for Wight also supports the families, friends and carers of visually impaired Isle of Wight residents. Membership is free to all Islanders affected by sight loss.

For more details on the Hello Everyone QR codes is available online at www.iwsb.org.uk/hello-everyone/