ISLANDERS being invited to have their Covid vaccinations have been directed to mainland vaccination centres — as the NHS website hadn't yet been updated with Isle of Wight facilities.

There was a lot of confusion over the past couple of days, with several County Press readers reporting getting the letter through the post.

It directed them to the NHS website to book their appointment, but on putting in their postcode, only eight mainland centres came up — and no Isle of Wight ones.

Readers are advised not to travel to the mainland for their vaccinations, but to wait until the Riverside Centre hub opens tomorrow.

When it opens it will join a network of Isle of Wight vaccination centres and the St Mary's Hospital hub.

One County Press reader said: "I have just received a letter from the NHS inviting me to book a Covid jab.

"I followed their instructions and I was offered the choice of Southampton, Portsmouth, and several other south coast towns.

"This is a mirror image of the NHS cock up earlier when they were sending people from the mainland to the Island to be tested.

"Obviously this is no use to Island residents, but what concerns me is that elderly people may be booking mainland appointments and travelling to get their innoculations and possibly get infected whilst travelling."

Another said: "My wife received NHS letter to book vaccine. Entered details as instructed, NHS number and date of birth.

"The nearest available site was Guildhall Square in Portsmouth. Others were in Gosport, Salisbury, Bournemouth — anywhere but the Isle of Wight.

"The website says it offers the nearest site in a straight line from the postcode. Is this a common problem for Islanders?"

People will now be able to get their vaccinations at the Riverside Centre.

A statement from Solent NHS said: "They need an appointment to get their vaccine. Most people will be invited by a letter and will then have the opportunity to go onto the national booking system and book an appointment slot, or call 119.

"Residents will be able to receive their vaccination on the Island.

"If people are unable to book an appointment on the Island, the national booking system may offer an appointment on the mainland as an alternative.

"People should continue to check the booking system regularly as more slots on the Isle of Wight will become available."

Island MP Bob Seely said today: “Letters to those in their 70s are now landing on doorsteps. Please don't ring GP surgeries - they are absolutely flat out - but wait for letters or calls. I am chasing up why some people are being told to book in to Portsmouth. Islanders should NOT go to Portsmouth for their jab.”