The Isle of Wight's rolling average of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people shot up in the seven days to December 23.

According to the government's interactive map, 294 positive tests were recorded on the Island in the week leading up to that date, representing a 267.5 per cent increase.

Per 100,000, the Island recorded a rate of 207.4.

Just days earlier, in the seven days to December 16, the Isle of Wight's rolling average was 55.7 per 100,000 people.

The data to December 23 was higher than that of Liverpool (203.4), the New Forest (146.6) and Devon (145.3) - and it lags behind current figures.

Isle of Wight County Press:

The Isle of Wight on the government's interactive map

Despite the percentage increase, the Island's data to December 23 remained below average for England, because sharp rises were also recorded across the country.

Tier Four Portsmouth had a rolling average per 100,000 of 443.5 in the seven days to December 23 and Tier Three Southampton recorded 329.9 over that same period.

Meanwhile, in the last week, there have been sharp daily increases in the number of Islanders testing positive for Covid-19 and those cases have yet to show on the rolling average.

So far this month (December), 494 coronavirus cases have been recorded on the Isle of Wight, according to the government data, with record-busting daily increases since the pandemic began.

The interactive map turns different colours, depending on how many positive coronavirus tests are added to the Isle of Wight's total.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Data to December 23, shows number of people with at least one positive COVID-19 test result (either lab-reported or lateral flow device), by specimen date 

Since Boxing Day, the Isle of Wight has been in in Tier Three of the government's restrictions, however a review is expected tomorrow (Wednesday).

The rules were relaxed on Christmas Day, for one day only.

According to the latest available data, two people were in hospital, on the Island, on ventilation beds as of December 22. The figures lag behind and the NHS is due to update its report in January. 

Warning of increased pressure on healthcare workers, Isle of Wight Council Leader Dave Stewart tweeted today: "Covid cases are rising and our NHS is under pressure - with a Tier review looming as well - we must keep ourselves and our family safe - hands face space - take no risks !"

(Main image: Isle of Wight on the interactive map (top) and (bottom) number of Islanders with at least one positive Covid-19 test result (lab-reported or lateral flow device), by age (dark blue is above 60 and light blue is below 60) and specimen date, per 100,000 population in the rolling 7-day period to December 23.)