From Rob Young, Swanmore, Hants:

I don't believe it.

A photo in the CP (04-12-20) showed two of our elected councillors proudly introducing another innovative transport project.

Immediately I wondered if they had helped to introduce another innovation in addition to the fantastically successful new Cowes non-floating bridge!?

Perhaps they are offering us a solution to the disgraceful problem that they themselves help cause?

Are they suggesting that if you want to get across the Medina, all you have to do is grab a scooter? But there may be some problems:-

If the new bridge is not working surely not?) you might be able to get your new electric steed onto the replacement boat, but with other scootering commuters zooming about this will not be easy.

Don't worry, all you have to do is nip round via Newport and you'll get to work in no time at all

Be careful though, if you are charging (pun intended) down the dual carriageway past B & Q, let's hope that our overworked policemen can tell that you hired the scooter and you don't own it, otherwise you might get arrested!

I bet the police can't wait to have to monitor errant scooterists — as if they didn't have enough to do!

Other problems come to mind.

If you go shopping there's not much storage capacity on a scooter and charging about on two small wheels in rain or snow may not be very pleasant but never mind — put your best foot forward and you might make it to the next charging point.

I am finding it difficult to believe then that two of our elected leaders can seriously suggest that this scooter idea is realistic.

Perhaps, beneath those masks, both of them are laughing?

In which case I can assure them that not many of their electors are enjoying the joke.