IS THERE anyone out there who is not thoroughly over Covid and all the worry, confusion, fear, restrictions and their consequences, and the endless waffling, diktats from a government which has shown so little evidence of having any credibility that there is a strong element of doubt in everything that comes out of their mouths?

I don’t know quite what to believe myself to be totally honest. But one thing we were trained to think about as nurses was evidence-based research.

How important it is that the latest, best, evidenced research was used and underpinned our practice as nurses. So important it was the first ‘commandment’ in our Professional Code of Conduct to ‘not cause any harm by any act or omission, to anyone in our care’.

That omission included not keeping on top of training and keeping skills and knowledge up to date.

The fact that the current under funding of the NHS means it is impossible for the nurses and doctors who don’t have the resources and time to uphold the standards required by their professional bodies, standards they passionately believe in, is a whole other article. I will say that it is soul-destroying.

So, watching Covid spread around the globe it seemed on balance a sensible idea to take the precautions. I’m no psychic, but I actually made a bet with my eldest son that we would all be in lockdown again by the end of October.

Ironically the loser having to play taxi for the other for an evening out (to nowhere) I ‘won’ with around five hours to spare, as two hours late, Johnson and his elves shuffled out to tell us, what we had all known was coming, that we were indeed going into a sort of lockdown for four weeks.

And it’s horrible.

But, I’m getting very irritated at the stupidity of the ‘but I/we/this is different’ objectors.

One woman on Facebook said that she and her religion were being ‘persecuted’ because they could not hold a church service. If they have that much faith that they believe their god will keep them safe while smiting all the sinners outside, isn’t that kind of weird? Why hasn’t there been some divine intervention? Surely if you could, you would?

Actor Laurence Fox on Twitter lamented how the elderly were heart broken at being forced not to attend ceremonies on Remembrance Sunday.

When I pointed out that it was because they might get ill and die, he had me banned for ‘harassment and abuse’ I’m still awaiting the results of my appeal because, ironically, the man who blames ‘cancel culture’ and wants to ‘reclaim’ freedom of speech wants me censored. I kid you not.

If you’re asthmatic don’t harass your GP for an exemption letter for permission not to wear a mask. You probably need to wear a mask more than most for your own protection.

Yes, you have the freedom to expose yourself to a potentially lethal virus, but you do not have the right to knowingly risk other peoples lives simply for your own unscientific, selfish, potentially lethal, belief system.

I need some chocolate.