Thanks for printing the letter from Kelly Daniel about her resentment of second-home owners.

When I first half-read it online I assumed it was a parody of the little Islander mentality sometimes displayed in your pages. Having read it more carefully in print it seems this lady is principally concerned about someone she knows sitting in her preferred seat in the pub.

Read more: Kelly Daniel's controversial letter

It is doubtful this sort of letter would be published anywhere else in the UK, apart perhaps from Cornwall.

Consider substituting 'London' or 'Southampton' for the references to the Island. “You can’t go to London for the lockdown, even though you own a property there, because the people who live there all the time keep the shops and restaurants going” or “You don’t qualify as a resident of Southampton if you were born somewhere else”.

I would expect quite a few people would take exception, and it displays a disappointing insularity and closed-mindedness.

None of us had a choice where we were born.

Here in Cowes we have neighbours born in South Africa, America, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden, India, and many other countries. We even have neighbours who were born in Ireland, Scotland and worst of all, mainland England.

We enjoy their friendship wherever they come from. Local businesses benefit from their income earned elsewhere, and from the demands they make of local enterprises to improve their game to keep up with changes in consumer preference.

Many people who enjoy the Island as a part-time residence end up retiring here. They all add value to the Island community.

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to