Driving towards Bembridge and negotiating the Yarbridge pinch point yesterday, I was astonished to be faced with a large group of cyclists coming towards me at speed, totally ignoring the ‘Give Way to Oncoming Traffic’ signs.

Fortunately for them, there was enough road width for them to pass through and we all maintained our progress safely.

However, that is not the point; the cyclists had deliberately ignored a mandatory road sign and created a potentially dangerous situation, as many of us will have seen recently.

It is hardly surprising if Island motorists take a dim view of cyclists when this sort of behaviour is a common sight, such as riding on pavements, wrong way in one way streets, over pedestrian crossings, ignoring red traffic lights, etc.

As a cyclist as well as a motorist, I feel it is a great shame that a few cyclists bring cycling in general into such disrepute.

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