WOO HOO! I have got my Mojo back. Not that I have lost enthusiasm for life in these weird times, my returning Mojo is Mulberry Charlotte Russe, now marketed by the catchy name Mojo Berry.

It found its way by convoluted coronavirus-affected route to my address — just as I became marooned in Nepal, but Granny rescued and looked after my new ‘baby’ which is now sprouting and blooming.

Mojo is a cross between a white mulberry — as eaten by silkworms — and a black one, famously mistakenly bought by James I to kickstart the English silk industry. He was a victim of Dutch plantsmen fraudsters, buying thousands of trees before his error was discovered.

I have a descendant of the original James I tree and despite suffering badly from summer droughts promises to be huge in the future.

At the other end of the spectrum is a new mulberry on the block, morus rotundiloba, bred by Hajime Matsunaga in Japan. He cannily created a dwarf which is perfect for the kitchen garden or a container because it will only grow to a maximum height of 6ft, or so.

I have happy memories of eating mulberries from the enormous mulberry in the garden of the old London Hotel in Ryde and I’m told Mojo fruit is identical. Looking forward to that!

Compact stems produce juicy mulberries on both old and new wood, is self-pollinating, early cropping and continues to fruit for several months.

Mulberries should be grown in moist, slightly acid soil in a sheltered position in full sun. Before planting incorporate plenty of well rotted manure or garden compost into the soil and use a tree tie to fasten the tree to a stake.

Water mulberry trees well during dry periods and prepare to go round the mulberry bush, picking delicious fruit at an easy height as you go...

* The unusual spaghetti tree is especially prolific in Nepal, I noticed on our recent sojourn to that country. They sprout up on every street in the capital Kathmandu.

Look carefully and you will see this ‘tree’ is not alive at all, but is certainly both live and negative.

The ‘foliage’ is every sparky’s nightmare — a tangled jumble of cables which makes it impossible to track each end of a wire.

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