From Adam Corres, Cowes:

It WAS ironic to see 100 or so European Union supporters in St Thomas’ Square on Saturday chanting they wanted democracy and protesting that a coup had been staged.

Don’t they realise it is a pre-requisite of joining the EU that your country has to give up democracy and we joined the EU by a coup?

As a member, your highest form of law-making government becomes the European Commission, which is unelected.

To emphasise this, no-one elected to the European Parliament is in the government of the EU.

Their Parliament does not exist to wield power — it is there to draw attention away from it.

Additionally, if honouring democracy is your cherished ambition, then support enacting the result of the democratic referendum.

The real coup was when John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, firmly against the will of the UK population.

In the three Ipsos MORI polls of 1992 on the treaty, all three showed a majority of the population opposed to joining the EU (62 per cent against and 38 per cent for, then 68 per cent against and 32 per cent for, then 59 per cent against, 41 per cent for).

Indeed, their polling of key marginal constituencies in 2007 found single-digit eight per cent support for Gordon Brown signing the Lisbon Treaty, which he did anyway.

Where was democracy in these coups, when an unelected foreign government was imposed on us without consent?

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