FEATURING routines from a Spanish-style Havana to a line-dance-esque Cotton Eyed Joe, the Brighstone Tappers delighted their audience at their latest show.

Mops were presented with military precision in a seafaring routine and the group even managed to tap to 'Jai Ho'.

The line-up was sprinkled with standard dances to 'We're in the Money' and 'Tap Your Troubles Away', and the show culminated with an impressive routine to the Trolley Song.

Tap dance classes are held on Monday mornings from 10.30am to 11.30am, in Brighstone Scout Centre, and Wednesdays, from 7pm to 8pm, in the Wilberforce Hall.

Those interested in joining the group should contact Caroline on brighstonebusybodies@outlook.com or on 07773801462.