From Mary Vine, Ryde:

I’d like to say thanks for the tremendous support I had from three members of the public when I was involved in a car crash in Dover Street, Ryde, on Tuesday last week, on a very dark and rainy late afternoon.

I was very shocked by the impact, and also had a painful knee from it.

A man who lived very near came out to talk to me, to keep me talking in case there was any danger of losing consciousness, along with his kind girlfriend. They were very reassuring, when at that point I couldn’t get out of the car to find out anything for myself (thankfully the occupants of the other car were unharmed).

Then an unassuming young man came out, after a while returning home before coming back with a restoring cup of hot, sweet tea. Not only that, he loaned me his umbrella, put a hazard sign in place, stayed around despite my encouraging him to return home, and once the pleasant police were finished, he drove me home.

This feels to me like a very Island thing, not quantifiable in any way except by my heartfelt gratitude at having such supportive good ‘neighbours’.

It’s a great reminder of how such good deeds form a lengthening chain of goodwill. These people are such a great example to everyone.