From Ann Thorp, Newport:

How I agree with Alan Marriott that we should plan for our own death. And after.....

The last time I moved house in 2013 and therefore had the services of a solicitor, my family and I amended and clarified my will and while my two sons are my executors, my two daughters will be legally responsible for other post mortem duties on my behalf.

The most important duty is that I have donated my body after death , and its organs, to Southampton General Hospital; it has a copy of the signed and witnessed document and even if my old ( 83years) organs are no use to donate, at least medical students can work on my remains for a year or so after which the hospital cremates the leftovers and the ashes are returned to the family.

Until the government gets round to making organ donation at death routine (unless one has opted out), this is a useful and economical way to dispose of an old 'bag of bones' and altruistically donating any bits and bobs which will be life- saving to another.