From Andy Baillie, Ryde:

As an Island driver, who often finds himself in the Seaview area, I have found myself recently wondering if the area has its own highway code?

Firstly, it would appear residents and visitors alike need reminding the area is not a pedestrianised zone and there is a distinct difference between roads and pavements.

Pedestrians are, therefore, required to look both ways and wait for approaching traffic to pass before crossing the road.

Not, as my experience has found, to look directly at oncoming traffic and then casually stroll into, and often, down the middle of the road. Even if you are wearing a lifejacket, this is clearly not safe.

If education fails then maybe the council would consider erecting road signage for the area stating, “WARNING: Pedestrians showing utter disregard for motorised vehicles” ?

It is also worth noting that once in a vehicle, Seaview has traffic-calming measures in place. And for those who are confused, “right of way” is indicated by signage and/or road markings.

“Right of way” is, therefore, not determined by the showroom price of the vehicle you are driving. Hopefully, clearing these matters up will make this beautiful, picturesque area a safer place to walk and drive for everyone.